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Department Administrative Manager

Dr.ssa Tiziana Grisorio 

Phone : 06 4497 0147

e-mail : tiziana.grisorio

With the university reorganization in acceptance of Law 240/2010, in Sapienza the figure of the Administrative Secretary was replaced by that of the Chief Executive Officer (RAD)

STATUTE [D.R. n. 3689 del 29.10.2012]

Art. 11 Department […]

The Department Director is assisted in the management of the Department's activities by the Administrative Secretary, who is responsible for the Administrative Secretariat and coordinates the administrative-accounting activities of direct relevance, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations for administration, finance and accounting.


Art. 38 - Delegated administrative managers

  1. In compliance with the principles dictated by the legislator on the subject of the single University budget, Sapienza identifies, within its organizational structure, including that relating to teaching and research functions, centers of responsibility endowed with management and administrative autonomy, which is attributed the ability to dispose of the budget assigned for the pursuit of institutional purposes. The aforementioned centers of responsibility are made up of the Departments, Faculties, Centers and structures equivalent to them.
  2. The administrative-accounting management of the aforementioned centers of responsibility is entrusted to the Chief Administrative Officer, who is hierarchically subordinate to the General Manager and functionally to the Director of the Structure to which he belongs and is classified in the EP category.
  3. Within the limits of the delegation of functions conferred on him by the General Manager, the Chief Administrative Officer is exclusively responsible for the organization and personnel responsible for the administrative-managerial activities of the Structure to which he belongs, without prejudice to the prerogatives and competences attributed to the Directors of the Library and to the Laboratory Managers within the organizational units they preside over.
  4. In accordance with the procedures set out in the Regulations for Administration, Finance and Accounting, the Chief Administrative Officer adopts all administrative acts relating to the Structure to which he belongs, including the acts that directly commit the University to the outside world, by virtue of the powers of expenditure and organization of human resources delegated by the General Manager.


Art. 14 – Delegated Administrative Managers

  1. The administrative-accounting management of the Centers referred to in the previous article is entrusted to the RAD, which, by virtue of the spending and organization powers of human resources delegated by the General Manager, adopts all the administrative acts relating to the structure to which it belongs, including the acts that commit Wisdom towards the outside. Reference is made to the delegation provision for the details of the specific competences and responsibilities, in addition to what is specified in the following articles 39 and 42.

Art. 39 – Responsibility in the active cycle

  1. With reference to the active cycle, responsibilities are assigned as specified below:

a) for the Shopping Centers, the Chief Administrative Officer:

1) It is responsible for all stages of the resource acquisition process and related budget confirmation up to the issuance of collection orders, related signing and transmission to the Cashier Institute, as well as the related tax and administrative obligations;

2) certifies the formal assignment of contributions in the institutional context or the actual performance of the services by the structure in the commercial field; […]

Art. 40 – Signature of collection orders

  1. Collection orders are signed as specified below:

a) for the Shopping Centers by the Chief Administrative Officer. The signature represents the validation of the collection orders. 

b) or the Management Organizational Areas by the General Manager, or by his delegate. The signature certifies the formal correctness of the collection orders.