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Training offer

The Departement of General and Specialized Surgery (P. Stefanini) offers a course of study includes 

  • Master
    • It's an academic qualification issued by the university following a postgraduate, postgraduate or master's degree course, certifying particular knowledge or skills in a specific field of study or in a professional activity. The level of the master varies according to the legislation of the various countries, moreover various levels may coexist within the same country.
    • The 2nd Level Master The 2nd Level Master corresponds to the 8th level of the European Qualifications Framework (Research Doctorate, Academic Diploma of Research Training, Diploma of Specialization, 2nd Level University Master, Academic Diploma of Specialization 2, Postgraduate Diploma or Master 2)
    • The 1st Level Master corresponds to the 7th level of the European Qualifications Framework (Laura Magistrale, 2nd Level Academic Diploma, 1st Level University Master, Specialization Academic Diploma 1, Specialization Diploma or Master 1)
    • unlike the master's degree, the 1st level master does not allow access to third cycle courses such as the research doctorate, as the course has no national didactic system and the degree is issued under the responsibility of the individual institution.
    • It is possible to access the 1st level Mastersafter having obtained a Degree or, alternatively, an equivalent and legally recognized qualification;
    • The 2nd Level Masters are reserved for those in possession of a Master's Degree or Single Cycle Master's Degree
  • Research doctorates
    • The research doctorate is the highest academic degree in many countries in the world. Its objective is to train in university researcch and teaching.
  • Specialization School
    • they are postgraduate specialist or master's degree courses that provide skills and abilities for the exercise of particular professional activities. It allows the qualification to exercise the professional activities, for which the course was followed, with the release of the Specialization Diploma.
  • Training courses
    • they are courses dedicated to professional updating and cultural promotion. No educational qualifications are issued through these courses, but they may be valid for the attribution of educational credits that are not necessarily recognizable in the Regulations for Bachelor's and Master's Degree courses. Candidates who do not have university degrees can also access these courses.