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PUBLIC SEMINAR 17 JANUARY 2022 AT 13.00 - Dr. Gianluca MENNINI

We inform you that, 

on 17 January 2022at 13.00 Dr. Gianluca Mennini,

for the purposes of the call in the role of II level professor for SSD MED / 18, SC 06 / C1, as required by article 24, paragraph 5, of Law 240/2010 and art. 11 of the Regulations for the recruitment of fixed-term researchers type "B" at Sapienza - University of Rome will hold a seminar on:

"Research and Technological Innovations in Liver Transplantation"

in mixed mode: telematic and face-to-face

– maximum 20 seats in the Aula Castrini of the Department of General and Specialized Surgery Paride Stefanini upon request to be sent to the following e-mail address:

- Telematics on Zoom platform at the following link - VIRTUAL CLASSROOM

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